Set down Time Traps, which can reverse the flow of time for anything in their range when something steps on it (including projectiles!)
The traps take a short while to become active after they're placed.
There is a cooldown before you can place the next trap.
Enemies can be hit by projectiles if they are reversed or if the projectile is reversed.
You don't take damage while reversed, but you will only be reversed if you step on the trap yourself.
The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible.

Space/E - Place Time Trap
WSAD/Arrow Keys - Movement

Made in 3h, Submission for Trijam #272
The idea with the theme was that time can go in two directions in the game.
I didn't have time to make more enemy types or even add music, I might update the game in the future.

Made in Godot
SFX made using Chiptone
Font: Retro Gaming

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Godot, Top-Down

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